
What is RoundWorm

RoundWorm is an add on tool for the MMORPG Wurm, which provides macroing, mapping, 6th sense and voice alerts.


I bet you all have wanted a big complete map for the lands of Wurm, well now you can have one. RoundWorm actively logs data from the server to construct up to date maps as you play.

RoundWorm Map
Another great feature of RoundWorm is that it provided detailed information about terrain types. No more looking for old trees are they can be rendered as red dots. Take the black art out of guessing when to harvest grops. Hover the mouse over a crop tile and RoundWorm tells you if its time to harvest.

New Town.

6th Sense

Sixth sense, displays a list of all items of interest within the vicinity of the player.

Voice Alerts

Voice alerts allow you to play Wurm while not looking at the screen. Important messages are spoken to you. So on your long run from your outpost to the nearest trader, you can be afk and rely on spoken messages “Brown Mushroom” or “Enemy Troll” etc.


And last but not least, Macros. Spend all night mining, making kindling, improving plate armor. You name it. And with RoundWorms unique ability to wait for full stamina before performing a job, you can guarantee maximum skill bonuses.

Setting up and running macros takes a little bit of patients, but the rewards are worth it.

To set up a macro, you 1st need to tell RoundWorm the screen co ordinates of things to click on. In the above example there are 3 boxes labled Game Window, Item in Forge and Water. Left click inside the 1st box, and still holding the mouse button down, drage the cursor over the game area to click on. So in this case, Game window means anywhere within the game 3d client window, Item in forge means an item in the forge contents window, and water is water from a barrel on the floor.

Construction of new macros will be written about soon.

At the moment you will have to manually copy the *.macro files found in the distribution zip file into the <user home dir>/roundworm/macros dir.


Map image only, I dont need no macros

Head over to the RoundWorm Project Page and goto the files area. In the package maps you will see 2 files roundworm.png.gz and

Simply download the roundworm.png.gz uncompress it, then view it in your favorite image viewer.

The other file is the detailed terrain data captured by RoundWorm, which is used to provide detailed map information.

To use RoundWorm

First off download the roundworm application from RoundWorm Project Page You will need the lastest version of, along with the png and map files mentioned above.

Run roundworm.bat or This will create a roundworm folder in your home directory, and install initial versions of roundwourm.png and in it.

Give RoundWorm afew seconds to load up the main map.

If you have downloaded updated maps, close RoundWorm, copy the new files into the roundworm dir, the restart RoundWorm.

Next you need to tell the Wurm game client to talk to instead of this is done on one of the config screens before you log in.

Press OK, but dont start wurm just yet.

Roundworm works by sitting in the between the server and the game client, silently listening to all server client game packets and interpreting them.


Don't use a version of roundworm from a source you don't trust. If you didn't download it personally from then I cannot vouch for the contents. There are nasty people who may like to steal logins etc. My version from sourceforge is clean. (Dont trust me? go check out the source yourself, read it and compile your own version)


Map Export

Map export is used to generate a .png image file based on the 64MB map file. If you have been exploring areas that have not been mapped recently, its probably a good idea to export a new map. By default the export file is the one loaded when RoundWorm starts up.

This tab also enables you to change colors for different terrain elements. Note the default age range for trees seems to indicate mature ones. (Know different? Tell me on the forums).

Merge Maps

Got multiple PC running wurm? It would be nice if all the huge 64MB map files could be amalgamated into one master map. This is what this tab does. Logo